Monday, September 8, 2008

of love once lost...

Love is a strange phenomenon. It caresses you with one hand and at the same time slaps you hard on face with the other. I've had my share of experiences- bitter and sweet- with love. I have been madly in love with more than one girl, and have enjoyed the pleasure and pain love brings.
The other day, even as I was browsing through my computer, I came across some stuff I had scribbled a year ago, when I lost someone I loved. Even now, a year later, reading this brings a sting in my heart and a melancholic smile on my face...

love: the pleasure and pain within

What is love, but the pleasure
in knowing that she cries for you?
What is love, but the pain
in knowing that she survives without you?

moist eyes, for a lifetime

Walking away, she gifted me with moist eyes; which followed her to the horizon in the foolish faith that there would be a turning back, a final glance.
No such offerings came forth, no consolations. Disappearing beyond the horizon with the evening sun, she left me alone in my sorrows.
Memories stabbed, hurting me over and over again. Standing still in the darkness, I savored the pain which was tearing across me, with clenched fists and rigid jaws. No tears rolled down my cheeks, there weren’t any left in me...
The breeze cooled my moist eyes, but not my moist heart. Rain came down upon me, violent and vicious, but no change did it bring. Drenched to the bones, I wished myself dead.
I have not enjoyed the peace and pleasure of love, yet I bear its pain and grief. I do not complain, for I have no voice.
I survive, with moist eyes for a lifetime...

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